Accés Liceu

Accés al Liceu i circulació

LiceuApropa aims to anticipate access and circulation to the Theatre.

The LiceuApropa program aims to anticipate access and circulation within the Theatre, and for this reason, in this section, you will find the different spaces of the Liceu, the services they offer, and how to access them in the best way.

The Teatre del Liceu has a horseshoe-shaped layout, with a Foyer, Foyer balcony, orchestra, and five levels. The position of the Auditorium is parallel to La Rambla, which adds some complexity to the interior.

We remind you that the Theatre doors open 1 hour before the start of the performances, and we recommend arriving in plenty of time because once the performance has started, entry into the Auditorium is not allowed.