Capçalera Ohpera


Newly created micro-operas

Within the Grec Festival of Barcelona

Composers linked to Barcelona will write based on texts-librettos by important playwrights

The Òh!pera project was born three seasons ago, driven by the Gran Teatre del Liceu and the Barcelona City Council, through the Disseny Hub, with the aim of being the gateway to the world of opera for young creators from all artistic fields: composers, librettists, stage directors, singers, musicians, lighting designers, students from design schools... It materializes in the creation of three contemporary operas, each lasting 30 minutes, which are performed, over a single evening, in three unusual spaces of the Gran Teatre del Liceu.

The goal is to foster the future of opera with a new generation of professionals from all fields of this clearly multidisciplinary art, not only in the search for new aesthetics that future operatic proposals will have to achieve, but also in attracting new audiences for their ability to embrace aesthetic universes that point towards the future.

The three pieces gather contemporary stories. The first one, Eliza, introduces a woman who discovers that her partner is an artificial intelligence capable of controlling her thoughts. The second one, Azul como una naranja, tells the story of Sergei Krikalev, the astronaut who spent 311 days trapped aboard the Mir space station while his country, the Soviet Union, was collapsing. The third one, Contradir la noche, is a dazzling journey of two lovers through the underground and rascal Barcelona that reveals the true identity of the city.

In short, a determined bet on the future.

Dates & tickets

NOTICE: This show takes place in three different areas of the Liceu, all unnumbered, and there are movements between them. In one of the areas, the audience is standing. An alternative route and accessible spaces are available for people with reduced mobility and/or wheelchairs. For more information [email protected] or 93 485 99 29.

Contradir la nit (Mestres Cabanes Room)

Montserrat Lladó
Martí Sales
Stage director
Marta Gil Polo
Lorenzo Ferrándiz
Sixto Cámara
Palmira Sabaté (Institut del Teatre)
Set design, costume, video
EINA University School of Design and Art of Barcelona
Alejandro Díaz Carrascosa, Álvaro Basco, Gonzalo Otero, Júlia López Ariño, Marta Esteban and Odo Cabot
Thanks to
Montse Colomé, Abel Vallhonesta and Fundació Ernesto Ventós.

Azul como una naranja (Stage Box)

Guillem Palomar
Laura Ferrero
Stage director
Ester Guntín
Miquel Massana
Quim Algora (Institut del Teatre)
Set design and costume
BAU College of Arts and Design of Barcelona
Adriana Aranda, Carlos Bujosa, Olivia Cortese, Pau Armengol, Pau Camero, Xavier Castillo, Celia Castellano and Arnau Boces.

Eliza (Foyer)

Ferran Cruixent
Pau Miró
Stage director
Pol Roig
Irene Delgado-Jiménez
Set design, costume and video
Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
Lighting design
Sergi Cerdan (Institut del Teatre)
Ainara Quijada, Dai Mar López, Joana Espar, Jordi Pérez Nogué, Paula Sánchez-Valverde and Roger Vicens.
Oriol Sanz Baqués

Programa de mà

Organized by:

Logo Liceu
Ajuntament i disseny hub
Logo Grec 2024

With the collaboration of:

fundació ferrer salat
Fundació Conservatori Liceu

With the support of:

sabadell Fundació
Logo Edmond de Rothschild


Newly created micro-operas