In search of the dream
In search of the dream Liceu
Over more than four centuries, opera, as a porous and continuously evolving genre, has not ceased to integrate the most advanced technological contributions and the most pertinent challenges and concerns of each society.
Opera also teaches us that all promises can be broken and that any "never" or "always" could become a "perhaps". It is in this constant state of fragility and fear in which man lives, that opera provides us with the inspiration for some necessary models or references.
The season we are bringing you is structured around the idea of pursuing a dream, and how striving to achieve it can lend meaning to our lives, bringing us closer to a scenario of happiness. Parents often teach us to keep our feet on the ground, but also to dream. This is not a contradiction, but it is essential to combine the two elements: satisfaction in the struggle to accomplish the desired challenge. DREAMING is therefore synonymous with healthy ambition and an emotional stimulus that, if well managed, can be an ally (although there is no guarantee that the goal will be achieved). The mere fact of focusing on it makes us attach value to it.
And so, each night an extensive cast of characters strips down to their most intimate selves, to share their aspirations: Katarina and Sergei (Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk) and Violetta and Alfredo (La Traviata) fantasise about running away to celebrate their love far from the social prison; among the cherry blossoms, Cio-Cio-San longs to see the arrival of her Pinkerton on the USS Abraham Lincoln; Walter Benjamin in 1940, fleeing from Nazism and trapped in Portbou, commits suicide in an act of protest with a clear ideal of European freedom; and Rusalka yearns to abandon her difference in order to be united with the prince. A dose of utopia to persist in the fulfilment of this desire, understood as a life project.
A collection of titles where emotional dreamscapes echo these longed-for DREAMS that slumber in all of us. The innocence and effervescence of the Liceu community searching for imagination springs from the threshold between reality and DREAM; the Coliseum on the Rambla, as a consequence, is a universe of sublime beauty and infinite possibilities. From Katerina Ismailova on her adventure to become free, to Elsa and Lohengrin, who embodies the feeling of limitless purity, this season allows us to explore the extent of these DREAMS and to recognise them in all of us.
DREAMS can often be hope born out of fear, and obviously one cannot be happy fleeing fear. We cannot trust those who blindly embrace their own certainties and cling to their aspirations with no regard for doubts and paradoxes. Ambiguity and contradiction are at the heart of life and therefore also at the heart of the season itself. As we head towards the first quarter of the 21st century, it is necessary to review the DREAMS we pursue as a society, to discover if we are really on the best path towards common well-being, without leaving anyone by the wayside.
Replete with the visions shared with Salvador Alemany, Valentí Oviedo, Josep Pons and Àlex Ollé, together with the outstanding group of artists, we begin a season in which we need to cultivate new fantasies and use all our imaginative resources to cultivate a new realm of Beauty at the Liceu. There is only one route through this labyrinth with no way out: to follow the faint light of our DREAM, which will give us back the ability to feel, to see and to know, the foundation of our Art. In keeping with the values and tradition of our institution, you are invited to the 24/25 season to continue creating a new world, pursuing your DREAM.
Víctor Garcia de Gomar
Artistic Director at the Gran Teatre del Liceu
Víctor Garcia de Gomar
Director artístic del Gran Teatre del Liceu

Àlex Ollé
Artist in residence
Pursuing a dream can mean chasing a chimera, something that does not exist, placing one's hopes on phantasmagorias. But it also means, and this is the meaning that interests me, determinedly, with dedication and perseverance, pursuing a goal that is difficult to achieve, but which opens up immeasurable horizons. And that is precisely what we on the Artistic Council of the Gran Teatre del Liceu have been striving for in order to make many of the challenges (and dreams) we set ourselves in our first season a reality.
And the 24/25 season is a further step in this direction. For the first time we will present a staging, Requiem, by one of the most acclaimed creators of recent years, Romeo Castellucci. And a new production of Lohengrin, led by the Liceu, directed by the composer's great-granddaughter, Katherina Wagner. And three new co-productions: Bárbara Lluch's La sonambula; Christof Loy's Rusalka; and Calixto Bieito's Giulio Cesare. We will also be joined by David Mcvicar, the Leiser-Caurier conducting duo, Jean-Claude Auvray... and I myself will have the honour of opening the season with Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk... a veritable dream.
And there are more dreams. The two new co-productions, Afanador, choreographed by Marcos Morao & La Veronal with the Ballet Nacional de España; and Christoph W. Gluck's Don Juan, choreographed by Edward Clug. And even more: Alexander Ekman with the GöteborgsOperans Danskompani performing Hammer.
And I must not forget the Òh!pera project, a true driver for integrating young creators into the world of opera, and the social and educational projects implemented by the Gran Teatre del Liceu.
This, this is what it means to pursue a dream, the thrill that unites us, what drives us forward to pursue, quite simply, the immeasurable.

Gerard Rictcher
Plastic artist
"Of course you can ignore dreams, but that would be a shame, because they are useful."
At the Gran Teatre del Liceu
Dichterliebe, by Robert Schumann with projections from Gerhard Richter
14 March, 2025

Inma Femenía
Visual artist
"I could list a number of personal desires and dreams, but in view of the current global situation, I can only wish for peace."
Main Auditorium
19 September 2024

Sebastião Salgado
"My dream is that we make the decision to rebuild our ecosystems, replant our forests, protect our indigenous communities, and that we can live in harmony on a habitable planet, one where all species are integrated, and without the constant threat of global warming."
At the Gran Teatre del Liceu
Amazônia, music by Villa-Lobos and Glass, with projection of Sebastião Salgado’s photos
26 November 2024

William Kentridge
" You know - the dream where you were trying to escape, and running, but your feet are stuck in the mud and can hardly move forward. You try to shout, but all that comes out of your mouth is a long NOOOOOOOO…..!!!!
….but hang on. We know there is nothing more boring than listening to other people’s dreams."
At the Gran Teatre del Liceu
OH TO BELIEVE IN ANOTHER WORLD, with the Shostakovich Symphony No 10 and the play by William Kentridge.
18 and 19 October 2024

Antoni Tàpies
“(…) my desire to find in art the appropriate techniques that would awaken human consciousness and really transform us.” Antoni Tàpies, A Personal Memoir. Fragments for an Autobiography. Barcelona: Fundació Antoni Tàpies, 2009: 230.
Saló dels Miralls
Composició (1991)
From 9 November to 28 December 2024

Míriam Cano
Writer and translator
“An end to inequality, injustice and violence”
The Catalan poet has made a selection of her own poems and verses for all the materials of the 2024/2025 season
At the Gran Teatre del Liceu
8 and 9 February 2025