Capçalera Roger Alier

Roger Alier Homage Concert

Roger Alier Homage Concert

Roger Alier (1941-2023) a life full of opera

A concert full of the music that made him happy 

We will attend a tribute recital where we will remember the operatic life of Professor Roger Alier, Gold Medal of the Liceu 2023. A biography dedicated to lyricism with initiatives that ranged from exhume the season of the Teatre Principal, premiere the first staged version of Mozart's opera Il re pastore in Spain or stage the first opera in the history of El Molino on the Paral·lel. We will follow the life of Maestro Alier with vital frames exemplified with operatic fragments, performed by the singers who accompanied him in his multiple initiatives.

A concert full of the music that made him happy and that he programmed, conducted, translated or disseminated in a life full and devoted to the art of opera.

Dates & tickets

Josep Buforn and Stanislav Angelov


Medalla d’Or del Liceu 2023

Carlos Guastavino (1912-2000)
“La rosa y el sauce” Mercedes Gancedo

Eduard Toldrà (1895-1965)
“Festeig” David Alegret

Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)
“Ho un gran peso sulla testa” (L’italiana in Algeri) Jan Antem

Francesco Cilèa (1866-1950)
“E’ la solita storia” (L’arlesiana) Carlos Cosías

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
“Quel guardo il cavaliere…So anch’io la virtù magica” (Don Pasquale) Tina Gorina

Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801)
“Pria chi spunti in ciel l’aurora” (Il matrimonio segreto) Beñat Egiarte

Ernesto Halffter (1905-1989)
"Ai que linda moça" (cançó del cicle "Canções portuguesas") Núria Rial

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759)
“Tornami a vagheggiar” (Alcina) María Hinojosa-Montenegro

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
"Ma de' malvagi invan... Vien, Leonora... "De' nemici tuoi lo sdegno" (La favorita) Carlos Daza
"Ah! Quando all'ara scorgemi" (Maria Stuarda) Laura Vila

Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
“Großmächtige Prinzessin” (Ariadne auf Naxos) Serena Sáenz

Léo Delibes (1836-1891)
“Duo des fleurs” (Lakmé) Tina Gorina, Laura Vila

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
“Chi mi frena in tal momento” (Lucia di Lammermoor) Serena Sáenz, Laura Vila, Carlos Cosías, Beñat Egiarte, Carlos Daza i Jan Antem


Hand program

Roger Alier Homage Concert