Torre dels Somnis

La torre dels somnis

With music by Giacomo Puccini
With the collaboration of:

Puccini's music from another perspective for all ages

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After the presentation of La torre de Nadal (The Christmas Tower) in Plaça de Catalunya, La torre dels somnis (The Tower of Dreams) arrives at the Liceu, showcasing Puccini's music from another perspective.

This new production is a proposal halfway between opera and circus, where we (re)visit the arias and the infinite melodies Puccini wrote.

The show bears the hallmark of stage director Lluís Danés and the musical direction of Sergi Cuenca, who also wrote the musical adaptation based on Puccini's work.

The plot tells how the inhabitants of the Tower of Dreams must defend and protect their dreams and utopias to save their status quo. In a world compromised by darker interests, "the impossibles," who inhabit the tower, will challenge their own destiny. The circus part will feature traditional numbers of this performing art: balancing acts, rope, suspensions, trapeze, and dance.

Approximate running time
1h 10min

Recommended From 10 years old

A show by

Logo Liceu Aprèn

Family friendly performances

Family workshops and discount packs. 
More information

School performances


Els centres escolars trobareu tota l'oferta educativa del Gran Teatre del Liceu a la plataforma laCultivadora, des d'on podreu també gestionar les reserves i pagaments.


Artistic profile

Direction and scenography
Lluís Danés
Arrangements and musical preparation
Sergi Cuenca
Eduard Sola
Circus direction
Ingrid Esperanza
Ariadna Peya
Carles Berga
Albert Faura
Mercè Paloma
Alguer Miquel
Sound and programming
Alfred Tapscott
Gran Teatre del Liceu i Ajuntament de Barcelona
Ensemble Conservatori del Liceu
Sílvia Bel, Alguer Miquel i Lluís Soler

Workshop and packs

Taller familiar del Petit Liceu.

Family Workshop

The family workshop prior to the performance is free for subscribers and costs €3 for the rest of the audience.

Places are limited and the workshop is aimed at families who have tickets for the performance.

It will be conducted by artists associated with this title and will allow you to experience the show more deeply.


Dos acròbates asseguts dalt d'un trapezi durant la funció de circ i òpera 'La torre dels somnis' al Liceu.

Family Pack

If you purchase 3 or more family shows for 1, 2, or 3 people, we offer you a 20% discount.
You can also buy tickets for the optional workshops linked to the shows.


With the support of:

Logo Diputacio

With the collaboration of:

Fundació "la Caixa"


Fundació Ferrer Salat Logo Empresa


Fundació Conservatori Liceu


Logo Fundació Bosch Aymerich
Logo Moventia_Collaborador Liceu

La torre dels somnis

With music by Giacomo Puccini