Ara Malikian Intruso

Ara Malikian


Ara Malikian

The charismatic violinist brings his new tour to the Liceu

In Lebanon, I was not considered sufficiently "Lebanese" because I was of Armenian descent. The Armenians did not consider me sufficiently "Armenian" because I was born in Lebanon. When I settled in Europe, I was not considered "European" because I was not born in Europe. It took me years to make peace with who I am and to accept being the eternal "Intruder" and to embrace the richness of my multicultural identity.

 This experience was also reflected in my relationship with music. In every concert, whether performing works by Bach or Mozart or improvising in styles as diverse as jazz, gypsy, flamenco, or tango, the feeling of being an "intruder" intensified. 

Every note resonated with the nostalgia for a home that did not exist, a place where I never quite fit in.

However, this condition of being an "intruder" gave me the opportunity to explore and enjoy fascinating music and cultures outside my own tradition. My intention was not to adapt to these styles but to bring my own voice, the voice of my violin, and my unique vision of music, without apologizing for being different. In every note, in every improvisation, I sought to convey the richness of my multicultural experience, fusing the most diverse traditions into a unique and personal sound.

Thanks to my condition as an "intruder," I have discovered that the whole world is my home. Art, music, and culture belong to me, regardless of my origin or place of birth. My home is in my body and my soul, an infinite space where identity transforms, and music becomes a universal language.

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Violin On Tour AIE
c/ General Diaz Porlier, 103
28006, Madrid

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Ara Malikian

Ara Malikian

Ara Malikian, a virtuoso violinist of Lebanese origin and Armenian descent, has made music his refuge and his life's compass. Born in Beirut in 1968, the Lebanese civil war marked his childhood, forcing him to seek refuge in melody while studying in basements and air-raid shelters. Despite the adversities, his innate talent shone brightly, captivating everyone around him.

At just 12 years old, Ara Malikian gave his first major concert, leaving the audience astonished with his virtuosity. At the age of 14, his fate took an unexpected turn when conductor Hans Herbert-Jöris, captivated by his talent, awarded him a scholarship from the German government to study at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover. He later perfected his skills at the prestigious Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, where he received tutelage from some of the world's most renowned masters.

Ara Malikian's career has been a meteoric rise. At the age of 15, he recorded his first album in Spain, and since then, he has collaborated with renowned artists on stages such as the Teatro Real in Madrid, Royal Albert Hall in London, and Luna Park in Argentina, among others. His unique style, which fuses various musical genres with a unique sensitivity, has made him one of the most acclaimed violinists internationally.

Ara Malikian
