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La petita flauta màgica

At the main auditorium

Adaptation for children of Mozart's 'Die Zauberflöte'

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The birdcatcher Papageno tells us about the extraordinary adventures he experiences alongside his friend, Prince Tamino. Together, they want to rescue Princess Pamina, daughter of the Queen of the Night, who has been imprisoned by the evil Sarastro.

The last opera Mozart wrote is a fairy tale with a score and characters that connect with children, to whom it will not leave indifferent.

Adaptation for children of Mozart's Die Zauberflöte by Comediants. A classic of Petit Liceu with a striking and very attractive set design that has already been seen by more than 435,000 spectators.

Approximate running time
1h 10min

From 6 years old

A show by:

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With the support of:

Fundació "la Caixa"
Fundació Ferrer Salat Logo Empresa
Fundació Conservatori Liceu

Family friendly performances

Family workshops. We offer you the option to enjoy a workshop before the performance.
More info

School performances


Schools will find the entire educational offering of the Gran Teatre del Liceu on the laCultivadora platform, where they can also manage reservations and payments.


Artistic profile

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Stage director
Joan Font (Comediants)
Set and costumes
Joan Guillén
Gran Teatre del Liceu

More info


Family Workshop

The family workshop prior to the performance is free for subscribers and costs €3 for the rest of the audience.

Places are limited and the workshop is aimed at families who have tickets for the performance.

It will be conducted by artists associated with this title and will allow you to experience the show more deeply.

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La petita flauta màgica

At the main auditorium