Javier Camarena

Javier Camarena

Born in Xalapa (Mexico), he graduated with honors from the University of Guanajuato. Since his debut in Zurich in 2007, his voice has been acclaimed interpreting a wide range of composers, including Bellini, Bizet, Donizetti, Haydn, Mozart, Rossini, and Verdi.

Temporada 2024/2025

Xavier Sabata

Xavier Sabata

Nascut a Avià (Berguedà), va estudiar cant a l’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) i posteriorment va fer perfeccionament a la Musikhochschule de Karlsruhe. A més, està graduat en interpretació teatral per l’Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.

Temporada 2024/2025

Sondra Radvanovsky

Sondra Radvanovsky

Soprano Sondra Radvanovsky is a globally celebrated artist. The depth and exquisite color of her voice are matched by her dramatic acting ability and versatility across a remarkable range of repertoire, from the title roles in Rusalka and Lucrezia Borgia, to Roxanne in Cyrano de Bergerac and the title role in Manon Lescaut. She is widely regarded as one of the premiere Verdi sopranos alive today, as well as one of the premiere interpreters of bel canto.

Temporada 2024/2025

Saioa Hernández

Saioa Hernández

Saioa Hernández

Saioa Hernández estudied with the tenor Santiago Calderón and later with sopranos Montserrat Caballé (with whom she prepared her debuts as Norma and Imogene in Il pirata) and Renata Scotto. Since then, she has continued to study and refine her singing with Francesco Pio Galasso. 

Temporada 2024/2025

Calixto Bieito

Calixto Bieito

Stage director and librettist.

He studied literature and history in Barcelona, stage direction at the Institut del Teatre and acting at the Escola d’Art Dramàtic in Tarragona. He was the director of the Teatre Romea in Barcelona for 10 years and created the Barcelona Internacional Teatre (BIT).

Temporada 2024/2025

Sonya Yoncheva

Sonya Yoncheva

She studied piano and voice in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), her hometown. She furthered her studies in Geneva. She is a student of William Christie's Le Jardin des Voix.

Throughout her career, she has starred in new productions of titles such as Tosca and Otello.

She made her debut at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in the 2021/22 season with Norma.  

Temporada 2024/2025

Marina Rebeka

Marina Rebeka

Se dio a conocer a nivel internacional en 2009 en el Festival de Salzburgo dirigida por Riccardo Muti.

Desde entonces ha cantado en teatros y auditorios por todo el mundo: Metropolitan Opera y Carnegie Hall de Nueva York, Teatro alla Scala de Milán, Royal Opera House de Londres, Concertgebouw de Ámsterdam, Bayerische Staatsoper de Múnich, Wiener Staatsoper y Opernhaus de Zúrich, entre otros.

Temporada 2024/2025

Martin Muehle

Martin Muehle


Born in Porto Alegre (Brazil), he studied at the Conservatory of Lübeck. Among his engagements for the 2023/24 season, he will perform roles such as Roberto (Le Villi) at Teatro Regio di Torino, Cavaradossi (Tosca), Calaf, and Hermann (Pikovaya dama) at the Deutsche Oper Berlin.

Temporada 2024/2025

Pretty Yende

Pretty Yende

Guanyadora del primer premi als concursos Belvedere i Operalia, poc després s’incorporà a l’Accademia del Teatro alla Scala de Milà, on rep classes de Mirella Freni. Tot i la seva joventut ha cantat en teatres internacionals: Opéra National de París, Metropolitan Opera de Nova York, Royal Opera House de Londres, Deutsche Oper de Berlín, Deutsche Staatsoper de Berlín, Bayerische Staatsoper de Munic, Opernhaus de Zuric i LA Opera de Los Angeles, entre d’altres.

Temporada 2024/2025

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